My eight days in Almaty were a whirlwind of work, sleep depravation and fun.
High Points:
- Walking around. Something I don't get to do much of in Kabul.
- Being praised by my boss for designing and giving the best presentation during the strategic planning sessions.
- Hanging out with Jenny and Ian who were in Almaty from the DC office.
- Gorging myself on the homemade cookies that Gavi's mom sent from the US, via Ian.
- Watching Kazakh music videos.
- Eating pepperoni pizza, having an American style brunch complete with bacon, going out to bars with the Kazakh staff and drinking micro brews.
- Using the hotel laundry service, which includes dryers (my jeans shrunk back down to size).
- Not having to worry about being culturally inappropriate.
- Not wearing a headscarf!
How can you have an American Brunch? Americans dont have brunch. Silly sister.
Dude. You've got to tell Nathan to lay off the silly hats. I mean, it's really getting out of hand.
Great pictures, as always!
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